Monday, June 29, 2009

rushed transition

Wow, its hard to believe its been three years since my last post but so much has changed. I am going to be transitioning this blog from random trivial things into somewhtat of a journey diary. I'm really just going to fast forward through college. Nothing happened that you wanted to know about anyway.

I graduated in May with a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary English Education. For most people this would mean immediately looking for a job. I must confess that I was applying for jobs around Des Moines, but fate had other plans.

In october of 2008 I had applied for a program called Americorps NCCC. I had a fabulous interview and was certain on my acceptance; unfortunately I was not fully accepted until the very last day of April. Being on the alternate list and trying to make other plans was one of the most trying expierences of my life. I leave in October for Sacramento, California. I'll be living on the west coast (in various places) for ten months and then we'll see whats happening in my life.

Why did I decide to do this? Well, I graduated college in three years and as much as I LOVED teaching I felt like the more life experiences I had the better I could do. Plus my wanderlust has been certifiably driving me insane. Now let me clarify. I will still teach. I still love to teach. Every day that I got up and went to my student teaching, I felt confirmation in that this is what I am meant to do. So, I did not join Americorps because I wasted 3 years on a degree I hate. I joined americorps because I think it will make me a better teacher. Also, I enjoy helping people out. i realize that I am blessed, and often spoiled by the things around me. I also hope to gain a lot from this experience.

I hope that I can faithfully keep this blog so that ya'll can follow my adventures. I definitely plan on having some.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very valuable message