Monday, July 11, 2005

There were all these really pretty streams that randomly peeped out from under the rock walls, or from the brush. When jenni and i were floating, the canoers decided to stop so as we're floating over there we really figured out what Chad meant by COLD water streams...BRR our feet and butts were numb but zach needed us to save him so there we were freezing to death...but the water in the rest of the stream felt good haha! There were birds nest all over the side of the walls when we got to the part with the rock. Trying to float or canoe through there was like trying to crawl through a mine field, we were constantly dodging dive bombing crazy birds and white chunky torpedos if you catch my drift.


Jeff said...

what kind of camera are you using? damn.

Fallin Raine said...

why do u ask? i wasn't using it mom was, its her camera why the expletive?