Friday, June 11, 2010

Just another night....

Scene - three NCCC pile into a small 2 door Honda w Illinois plates. The driver sporting power stripes and a retro sweater which looks like an arcade game's reset screen. Two ladies in the back fashionble as always singing to the radio as the car rolls up to a stop sign next to the smokers table and a gent in a Vietnam era MP helmet gets in. "club anthems 99" disc 1 rings out of the open windows s they cruise through the ghetto of McClellan. What hell could they be raising tonight? Drugs? Booze? Midnight rendezvous? Its actually a car of under 23yr olds off to "late night bingo" in Sacramento...

Would you have guessed that a half an hour before these four plus two others were battling over a hand of bridge. Yes that's right...bridge.

Would you have guessed that even earlier today these six were joined by the remaining three to run and chaperone a last day of school carnival?

Its only when I put my everyday life into words to send into the unknown and pry unread world of the internet that it occurs to me how bizarre my life can be or really is as a whole. I'm crazy; we're crazy; my life is crazy. I love it.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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