Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The beginning of the end

Often its clichely said "this is the beginning of the end." Senior year of high school or college, last dances, a fight with the significant other and many more. These are all places where even I have used this age old cliche but this weekend it rang more true than any of these other times.

This weekend I finished packing for Good 1s last grand adventure. When we return to campus Iman will be gone and Gold 1 will have eight days left together.

Yesterday we all piled into Rhonda, stopping one last time at starbucks on watt to begin our trek. I slept for the first six hours when I wasn't driving. Yasha slept on me for two hours then Sophie Yasha and I piled into a seat and passed out-legs stretched across eachother, no regard for personal space. I drifted off into slumber thinking about how far we have come from the nine strangers afraid to touch anyone on our NOLA road trip.

I've never been to oregon and as soon as we crossed the border it seemed to all be green and lush. There were snow capped peaks and thick clouds. I wish we could spend time in Portland but maybe next year or maybe on my road trip in two months.

right now Sara is driving and Sophie is "safetying" of rather djing. I'm sitting first row barefeet poking up into the box between JFB and the bose noise reduced Eric Shupin - both happen to he reading the paper. Doom and gloom are sitting behind us reading and staring out the window respectively; both have their headphones on to drown out our music. Denise and Iman are pulling up the rear -jamming. Then where there once was a backseat there are now nine red bags and a mobile kitchen.

The traveling band of gypsies as JFB calls us has one more destination.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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