Wednesday, July 20, 2005

So while i'm gettin the "i'm having so much fun" txts from micah i'm completely realizing that my summer has been a complete waste. I have a month roughly before school starts and lets look at what fun i've had...oh wait NONE...sure times have been enjoyable, but i really havent had any of the fun i planned on. I've been to ONE movie with a few of my youth groupies in Lincoln NE...been out to eat one or two timIes with ppl other than my family and tried to have a picnic, I haven't even been to the mall since my birthday!...I went camping with the family for the fourth. That was a lot of enjoyment b/c the weekend was so hilariously bad and anytime with my family is a great time...but i really haven't had any fun...haven't been to any parties hung out with a bunch of people, gone dancing or really anything excitable. I'm so bummed, i swore this summer was going to be the best and its been the MOST boring summer of my life. I can only imagine what the rest of my life will hold...I'm so bored with my life, i want to get in my car and drive. I just want to keep driving, make it to the coast, lay on the beach, drive through the mountains touch clouds anything! I want to see something different than corn fields or bean fields or the same road between ankeny and polk city and polk city and johnston. We quit going on vacations a couple years ago so that we could finish the house and do other stuff...and the grandparents just got back from yellowstone and grandma couldnt' quit talking about how much fun it was and all the awesome stuff she saw...I"VE WATCHED CORN GROW! My trip to rosebud is always the highlight of my summer (usually) but this year it would have been easily beatable and yet its still been my highlight. I am so bored with my life, i was bored with my life during school and summer was suppose to fix that. I had such high expectations and i've gotten lower than what i thought the worst could be. Micah is off having a BLAST with his friends at a place he loves and here i am...BORED. So my friends have pretty much all deserted me or decided that they hate me and no one calls to see if i want to hang out., or do something. I've tried since monday(in vain) to get a hold of kt and she hasn't even called me back..well tonight i have a whole lot of nothing planned so i'll pry be online and sitting here writing letters to my kids in rosebud too bad i don't have anything exciting to tell them.

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