Well it is that time of the round when I get to hear what my next project is! Then I get to do some sort of fun reveal! Since Team Leader Training (TLT) I've been thinking about doing a game of clue. I didn't do it first round because I wasn't sure it was the most suitable to get my team excited for their first round project, so when I got the phone call from my Unit Leader (UL) and I learned how AWESOME round 2 was going to be. I knew I could do clue! I changed all the rooms to different cities and states and turned the weapons to different projects. Lauren just kept screaming with excitement the whole time and by a complete fluke, Ron happened to guess the right one within the first 15 minutes of the game. I was kind of crushed they had figured it out. There was MUCH screaming and hugging when they heard that we will be living in North Bend, WA and working with Mountain to Sound Greenway. Then, the team got an even bigger surprise when they leanred that it was a two team project and green five (my roomie laura's team) would be working and living with us!!! The team immediately started googling the area and was instantly in awe of the absolute gorgeousness of the area. We'll be approximately 30 miles from Seattle (which unfortunately is outside the 25 mile free travel range but easily bus-sable). As of right now it looks like we'll be staying at Valley Camp in a lodge, possibly this one. I am super excited to be returning to Seattle. I fell completely in love with it when I was there last year from June-July and it will be great to see it in Jan-Feb. I am excited about the snow and the cold! And the team is pumped about the weeding, trail building and nursery work plus all of the amazing hiking trails and views. For instance, the Mountain to Sound Greenway itself will be breathtaking, but also Snoqualmie Falls!
The project is going incredibly well. Without boring you, the students all have "essential assignments" in at least English. If they fail the first time around, the student is referred to the learning center where he/she works on them with the tutors (us+uc davis)! Eventually these papers get finished and are re-graded. If the student then passes they are in the clear, if they fail its summer school. 9th graders have 4 or 5 essential assignments and the 10th graders have 3 or four. This week we have been helping a lot of students to actually FINISH and turn in their papers. It feels awesome. Plus the team is getting really attached to certain students and knows some of these stories inside out.
I've been working with a lot of Jr Lit students. They were reading the Jungle (one of my favorite books) so I was all over that...very excitedly. Obviously most kids haven't read it, so we ended up having like mini-story time where i would reiterate the plot and what was happening. It started with me telling the only regular student I had, and then all of a sudden six other students and some tutors were leaning over to hear. haha. It's such a good book! We also did some poetry explication with the JR Lit kids. Then I also helped with college entrance prompts. I miss having a classroom. I still LOVE that moment when you're explaining papers to a student and the "get it." Watching that light bulb flick on is the BEST thing in the world.
While the team wrapped up their second to last full week at Woodland and Pioneer, Katie, Kyle and I were off to the forest to learn to chainsaw! This year every team should have at least three members certified in chainsawing. Today I just did some basic brush clearing and bucking a log, tomorrow I'll pry fell a tree. Go me! Here's a picture of Kyle, getting things done!
The team has also been doing a lot of Independent Service Projects (isps) since we're on campus. Here are a few pictures from that! These ones are all from our morning with Old City Cemetery. Such an interesting and beautiful place. I love cemeteries...
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