Sorry for my absence! I didn't realize for today that it had really been so long since I had sat down and immersed myself in the web of internet interests. I've been working a lot! Tonight I picked up my room. I tend to end up with clothes strewn everywhere. I'm somewhat of a hurricane in the mornings. Anyway...tonight I picked up a few things in my room and was looking around athinking about how far my room has come since I moved in at age 5 and how much I'm going to miss it when I head off to Cali. So I thought I'd share a few of my favorite things. My room is very eclectic and very discombobulated but its also full of treasures.
I got my outlet covers off etsy, they instantly made my favorite things list. Amanda at TackledandShackled was fabulous!
I absolutely love them. They ad so much character to my room. I for somereason am especially infatuated with the red coloring on the corner. I think it looks good against my brown walls.
I have a few other favorite things in my room that I thought I'd share too!
I was at the flea in Sioux City with my favorite my best friend Chris and our good friend Denise and I found this fella! This is probably my very most treasured find. I found a table cloth that matches the shade fabric to a t at another stall. I picked up both for only 40. A small perk was that it came with the lightbulb! woot! lol It waited patiently all last summer with my roommate denise and then got to come out and grace my desk with its beauty all year. I have a tendency to leave the lamp on so the shade needs a little regluing action but its still rather exquisite. At least to me!
If you weren't instantly drawn to the vase don't be discouraged neither was I. In fact I was the one convincing mom to throw it out. But it started calling my name...well screaming it. Something like this can't be quiet. It's been with me now for 2 years and has become one of my favorite unique peices. It has so much loud personality (like me I know). I had fake lillies in it while I was at school but the top of the picture is the ceiling so right now she sits empty but still vibrant and gorgeous.
Well I need to hit the hay but I have music excitments to share as well as a few etsy finds I'm dreaming about so stay tuned!
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