Sunday, August 28, 2005

things i wish i was

  1. good at photography or could take a class
  2. musical
  3. little waist (mmk so guys do you really want a girl with a figure or want trees with no shade?)
  4. published (
  5. fluid (dancing)
  6. seductive (u know the type that will wink from across the room and guys are swooning haha)
  7. feminine (sometimes i pull this off, but most of the time i'm wrestling around or fighting someone, haha)
in essence wut we've learned here is that I am a bucket of fun. I'm not musical so what do i do? sing as loud and as off key as possible, this is hysterical, i'm not little waisted by i haven't seen my stomach since like oh-lets-say 12 (u do the math), i suck at dancing so amidst my attempt its pretty darn funny to watch me and debate whether its more fish out of water or dead flinches. And i'm not feminine (sometimes) hence i'll chase you down and pin u to the ground and c'mon we all know thats fun. The moral of this all? I'm still smiling hahaha despite my ap class trying to kill me. oh and for the love of pete call me and hang out with me. I seriously think boredom is a disease and i'm about oh a half minute from dying.

1 comment:

Fallin Raine said...

Thus the point, i am definitly none of those things. Love the pic haha