The last week in Seattle featured a pig roast. Yes, all the archaic images of pigs on giant poles being turned over a fire is indeed exactly what we were part of. This year was the 35th annual Danny Woo Community Garden pig roast. There was much ceremony but also much free time. I was part of the overnight shift where I held strong until 530 when yasha fell asleep on my lap and I on him. Luckily, we were relieved at 6 to go sleep in the conference room. the rest of the day was put carving, serving food, eating food and cleaning up. All day Sunday we packed and cleaned. It took me about 20 minutes and I was done. I remember how awful my rolled sleeping back looked on the way to Mendocino and how perfect it looked right before leaving burien. A lot changed in ten months....even more than my ability to pack and roll a sleeping bag.
We stopped at Powells in Portland. WOW! I looked at one and a half bookshelves during the two hour visit. Must return!
the last nine days have been on campus. We were reunited with gold six which was great! Went to harveys, the lions gate, adalbuertos, the taqueria, goodwill, debriefs, meetings, trainings and more! Without saying much but feeling its worth noting-Gold one kinda fell apart, not much but enough that I was already hurting over our separation before we even left......especially one predestined to end but still one of my favorite friendships. I spent a lot of time being mad at myself, being ignored and feeling hurt, often wondering if this was how they wanted to be remembered. But graduation came yesterday and slowly my ameri-family dwindled and my tears multiplied. I bid goodbye to sara and JFB first then Denise and gold six love Jen and Dan....then today everyone else.....
Only today turned into an epic United Airline failure, only rescued by American Airlines and now Stephen is staying at my house for the night!
While I know no one on Gold one reads this I'd like to say a few things....
Eric Shupin - I have already told you a hundred million times how great you have been. I can't wait to see you as a friend outside the confines of your green shirt. Thanks again for caring about Gold One and I as well as your inspiration to be a TL.
Iman Al-Saden - This year you have really shown me a wild and probably a little reckless side of me. I've done things that were purely "the best idea ever" and also maybe just the opposite. I'm glad it was you who slept inches away from me for the first three rounds and I wouldn't have shared my itsy bitsy tent with anyone else. Ill always remember you as we drove down Judge Perez going way too fast, windows down, smoking singing break even at the top of our lungs. You will be a great Dr and a darn good "dad."
Sara Huffman - I can't believe we met over a year ago, ended up on the same team, and had such a great year. You have changed so much that I can't even think about you in Ikea as the same person. From your budding sarcasm to your love life (haha) I am so glad you were here. you for sure are a life long friend and I will make many drives to Minnesota just for you.
Stephen Iberg - Cynical, pessimistic and unemotional or at least you pretend. I really appreciate you. I need someone to bicker with and fight with and I'm sorry for the actual fights we have had. I admittedly even like when you correct my grammar, puke BC my family is adorable, and spend WEEKS searching for the legos. You have taught me a lot of things about a whole genre of life I have had very little part in and also how people deal with similar circumstances. I know you'll be great and if you ever doubt it call me and Ill be there.
Yasha Kazantsev - guns, cars and camping. Need I say more? I have had such a surreal experience seeing things through your eyes and also even attempting to imagine your adventurous life. You are definitely an odd duck but not nearly as odd as you think. I am extremely fond of friendship and our crazy last fourth round. I cannot even fathom that in two weeks you will be in Holland. I know I said it this morning but while I'm saving the world Ill be sure to visit. I'm really going to miss who became to me.
JFB - Whether you were being "sugar-tits" JFB. JFC, JF block or any of the other names Gold One has given you, its safe to say you could not possibly be forgotten. It takes unfathomable courage to, at 24, pack your bags and leave home to travel with a bunch of gypsies. I appreciate your honesty, your compassion and your spunk. More than once you have blessed me by simply noticing me when I was feeling taken for granted. You can bet your dollars Ill be to Tennessee to visit you and Samuel...and make you a pie.
Sophie Putka - It just occurred to me that you and I have cooked in the same kitchen since the day CTI catering ended. You have been one constant thing in my life - from just sharing a kitchen to living together you have always been there. You were the first person I talked to in Mendo about my nerves for the team and missing my pod and the last person I talked to about missing Gold 1. You have definitely become one of my truest and best friends. I can't wait to family road trip with our respective families. We have a long life ahead of us and I'm glad it will always involve the other.
Denise Smith-Jaspers - I can't imagine sharing a room with anyone else. Our radio ALWAYS up too loud and the neighbors always yelling at us is not something I could have handled with anyone else. You have an attitude and spice not very many people have but the way you care for Gold One and kept us laughing is definitely something to remember.
Everybody - I wish that I could confidently say we will all be together again or even I will see you all again, but life has a funny way of rocking even the most firm plans and strongest hopes. Some of you I have no doubt that you will be on the rest of my timeline, but as I kissed and hugged others good-bye I couldn't help but think "this is it." I hope this isn't the case; I hope we can have a crazy reunion tour or at least I hope to make it to you, but please always remember there is an unending invitation to wherever I am. You are my family.
As I close the final Class XVI Gold One Blog entry I'm flying to Des Moines. Stephen and I arrive at ten and I drive him back to the airport in the morning to bid my final farewell. This year has changed me in so many ways and again I'm leaving my heart in so many places.
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry